With the high demand for larger profits, companies are turning to digital signage to increase their companies market share, so let us take a look at what is out there and how they can help us.

A recent publication demonstrated that scent is being added to billboard technology, and no where else could this be done, other than in the USA.

One such billboard is in North Carolina promoting a local restaurant with it’s large piece of steak on an over sized fork. But what makes this unique? Well it also pumps out a smell of grilled steak to tempt drivers to pull in and eat, this must be a nightmare for local vegetarians.

Now this in not the first time this technique has been used in marketing, but it is the first for a billboard. Just remember before you reel in disgust that when you go to your local supermarket, they pump out baking scents throughout the shop just before the fresh bread is ready, so it sells to you through your senses.

So let us put the scent marketing to one side for now and let us look at the different kinds of billboard, these are: static billboards and LED billboards.

Static billboards.
These are a metal frame with an ad that is printed and is replaced periodically to freshen up the site. This is an old fashioned way to gain brand awareness as there is no way to update content should the advertising company wish to advertise a sale day, they would have to get new banners created then have them pasted onto the present billboards.

LED billboards.
These consist of a frame packed with LED’s at 16mm centres, so that they can be viewed from a very long distance, what makes this solution unique is that the controller and the software used is so flexible, fresh new content and even news can be broadcast on these units within seconds of a company deciding to announce a sale the ads can be out there for consumers to remember the time and date of the sale.

When putting LED or LCD displays outdoors people mention sun bright screens, now there is no need as the LED billboards are 6,000 Nits or 6,000cd/m2 which makes them ideal for outdoor use in the brightest of conditions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4446860


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