Back in 60s, 70s and even the 80s, radio was the only means of entertainment and only resource for news and weather, commentaries of cricket test matches, election results and music. As every household had a radio player, there was quite a variety of programs. Even in small villages in India, people who didn’t have a radio of their own would go to their local restaurant or barber shop to hear one.

Many people could not afford a radio in those days, so when somebody in the neighborhood did buy one, they used to show it off as an important and valuable asset.

The radio has now disappeared from homes, as how television is the main source of entertainment, news, cricket, films and sports.

It is very rare for people to buy a radio these days, as radios can be available on mobile phones, televisions and the internet. The aim and objective is the same, though the look of the radio has changed. Many of us still listen to the radio in our cars, especially for sports, weather, traffic news and music.

Many people still use the radio at work, especially in small factories or car repair garages or shops. House wives listen to the radio in the kitchen when they are busy with cooking. The radio has not actually disappeared as people have a love for radio, and it does fulfill a basic need for entertainment, but it will probably disappear in the next 15 years, just like music records.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5180164


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